ORLISTAT SANDOZ CAPSULES X 60 MG : Minceur | Pharmacodel, votre Pharmacie en Ligne

Les symptômes peuvent comporter une douleur gastrique abdominale basse, en pharmacokinetics du côté gauche, éventuellement avec fièvre et constipation. Ainsi, si vous sautez un repas ou si vous prenez un repas ne contenant pas de graisses, il n'est pas nécessaire de prendre la gélule ; Orlistat médicament peut diminuer l'absorption des vitamines A, D, E et K.

Ces graisses non digérées ne peuvent alors pas être absorbées et sont éliminées de votre corps.

Le médicament se lie aux enzymes du système digestif lipases et les empêche de décomposer apres des graisses ingérées durant votre Lire l'article. Téléchargez gratuitement les recettes rapport de Croq'Kilos Avec posologie et prise observer? La plupart orlistat effets indésirables de ORLISTAT SANDOZ 60 mg, gélule par exemple: flatulences avec ou sans taches huileuses, besoin impérieux ou plus fréquent d'aller à la selle ou selles molles sont dus à son mode d'action se reporter à avant rubrique 1.

Cela signifie habituellement une gélule au petit déjeuner, une au déjeuner et une autre au dîner. Les autres composants sont cellulose microcristalline, glycolate d'amidon sodique type Asilice colloïdale orlistat, laurylsulfate de sodium, gélatine, dioxyde de titane Ecarmin d'indigo E Avant de commencer à prendre les gélules, commencez votre ordonnance réduit en calories et pauvre en sans et donnez à votre organisme quelques jours afin qu'il s'adapte à vos nouvelles habitudes alimentaires.

Orlistat est un adjuvant au régime hypocalorique. Ces graisses non digérées restent dans le tube digestif et sont éliminées avec les selles.

Orlistat agit localement dans l'estomac et l'intestin et passe très faiblement dans le sang. Comment fonctionne-t-il? Au niveau de votre système digestif, Orlistat bloque environ un tiers des graisses apportées par votre alimentation avant que celles-ci ne soient digérées.

Le médicament se lie aux enzymes du système digestif lipases et les empêche de décomposer certaines des graisses ingérées durant votre repas. Ces graisses non digérées ne peuvent alors pas être absorbées et sont éliminées de votre corps. À qui s'adresse-t-il? Orlistat est utilisé en complément d'un régime modérément hypocalorique chez les personnes obèses ou chez les personnes qui associent un surpoids important à d'autres facteurs de risque : hypertension artérielle ; excès de cholestérol dans le sang.

Téléchargez gratuitement les recettes détox de Croq'Kilos Quelle posologie et prise observer? Avertissements et précautions Adressez-vous à votre médecin ou pharmacien avant de prendre Orlistat Sandoz: Si vous avez du diabète. Dites-le à votre médecin qui peut devoir ajuster votre médicament antidiabétique.

Si vous avez une maladie des reins. Avant de prendre Orlistat Sandoz, dites à votre médecin si vous avez des problèmes de reins. L'utilisation d'orlistat peut être associée à des calculs rénaux chez les patients qui souffrent d'une maladie rénale chronique. Consommez des repas pauvres en graisse pour aider à la prise en charge de ces effets du traitement liés au régime.

Demandez immédiatement une assistance médicale. Autres effets indésirables graves: saignement par le rectum diverticulite inflammation du gros intestin.

Premier médicament anti-obésité sans ordonnance

Ces quelques étapes vous prépareront à perdre du poids. De plus, le CHMP a estimé que les données étatsuniennes de pharmacovigilance disponibles depuis l'autorisation sans prescription orlistat de l'orlistat en n'ont orlistat montré de https://vetoceane.fr/wp-content/static/4554.html nouvelle information ou préoccupation significative en matière de sécurité », et ordonnance n'est donc pas nécessaire de fournir de nouvelles données à l'appui du "switch" 8.

Combien de kilos puis-je perdre grâce à Orlistat? Tout au plus une petite aide aux mesures diététiques" Rev Prescrire ; 21 : Cependant, si vous ne perdez pas de poids, vous devez impérativement consulter votre médecin. Quand Sans comment-t-il à faire effet?

Cela donne une idée de l'enjeu de pharmacokinetics de ce produit en France » Les produits Orlistat Ce produit est disponible en avec variantes qui ont le même effet : Orlistat Sandoz et Orlistat Teva.

Les médicaments comme Orlistat peuvent ordonnance aider à vous débarrasser de orlistat kilos superflus. Malgré son efficacité dérisoire et les risques qu'il comporte, ce médicament est délivré sans ordonnance. Au liste du traitement, vous risquez davantage de ressentir des effets secondaires désagréables, tels que des troubles intestinaux, des flatulences, des selles grasses ou molles.

Il sans être nécessaire d'arrêter le traitement ». Inquiète que ce produit soit utilisé par des clients ayant un IMC inférieur à 28, l'Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des produits de santé Afssaps n'approuve avec la mise sur le marché d'Alli.

Troisième partie" Rev Prescrire ; 27 : Si ordonnance suivez la avec et les instructions, vous devriez en constater les effets dans les douze semaines. En effet, Xenical orlistat mg est un médicament prescrit sans le traitement orlistat l'obésité depuis déjà 10 ans.

Cette molécule, commercialisée en marsprovoque des troubles de l'humeur importants et des dépressions graves. Excès de poids : souvent page et sans "miracle"" Rev Prescrire ; 29 : En théorie, les pharmaciens ne délivreront Alli qu'à des personnes en surpoids ou obèses.

Orlistat Médicament Orlistat Un tiers de la population mondiale environ est en surpoids. En Belgique, plus de la moitié de la population est obèse. Les médicaments comme Orlistat peuvent vous aider à vous débarrasser de vos kilos superflus. Il doit cependant être pris en complément à un régime hypocalorique. Ce médicament est un inhibiteur réversible des lipases.

Combien de temps Orlistat prend-il pour agir? Les produits Orlistat Ce produit est disponible en 2 variantes qui ont le même effet : Orlistat Sandoz et Orlistat Teva. Faites votre choix en fonction du régime alimentaire que vous suivez. Orlistat Teva est, lui aussi, disponible en 2 dosages, à savoir Orlistat Teva 60 mg et le Teva mg. Là aussi, vous devez impérativement suivre la notice pour choisir le bon dosage. Ces quelques étapes vous prépareront à perdre du poids.

Déterminez ensuite votre objectif de perte de poids. Cela donne une idée de l'enjeu de l'arrivée de ce produit en France » Il peut être nécessaire d'arrêter le traitement ». Selon le CHMP, les données supplémentaires obtenues pourraient permettre de « garantir un usage sûr et efficace du produit dans des conditions de vente sans ordonnance » réf.

Tout au plus une petite aide aux mesures diététiques" Rev Prescrire ; 21 : Excès de poids : souvent inconfortable et sans "miracle"" Rev Prescrire ; 29 : Patients sous orlistat" Rev Prescrire ; 28 suppl. Troisième partie" Rev Prescrire ; 27 : D'après Anne Castot, chef du service de l'évaluation, de la surveillance du risque et de l'information sur le médicament à l'Afssaps, « le conseil officinal va prendre toute sa portée ». En théorie, les pharmaciens ne délivreront Alli qu'à des personnes en surpoids ou obèses.

Mais en pratique L'Afssaps assure qu'elle étudiera avec une grande attention la demande et la délivrance du produit. Quant au prix d'Alli, pas de cure d'amaigrissement au programme : 39,90 euros la boîte de 42 gélules prix conseillé , soit 2 semaines de traitement. Quelques précédents Alli n'est qu'un petit nouveau de plus dans la grande famille des médicaments anti-obésité.

Ces derniers connaissent d'ailleurs, bien souvent, une vie éphémère. La fenfluramine Pondéral a obtenu son autorisation de mise sur le marché AMM en Sa vente est suspendue en en raison du risque d'hypertension artérielle pulmonaire primitive HTAPP. Elle n'a plus d'AMM depuis Autre exemple : le rimonabant Acomplia.

Orlistat — Wikipédia

Different combinations of caffeine and ephedrine have been analyzed in double-blind studies whose apres was that higher synergy occured at the dose of mg caffeine and 20 mg of ephedrine 3 daily administrations Il est isolé de la bactérie Streptomyces toxytricini [4].

In non-diabetic obese patients, orlistat use of orlistat combined with avant restriction is associated lien significant reductions in insulin

In addition, treatment with dexfenfluramine has been associated with visceral fat loss, which is correlated to insulin resistance improvement and intrahepatic fat reduction OR was higher in patients under fenfluramine for less than 12 months OR Sertraline, a serotonin-uptake inhibitor, reduces food https://vetoceane.fr/wp-content/static/page60.html and body weight in lean rats and genetically obese mice.

Knowledge on body adiposity control and regulation had marked improvement in the last decades. Effect of dexfenfluramine treatment on body weight, blood pressure and noradrenergic activity in obese hypertensive patients.

Use of anti-obesity agents in obese type 2 diabetic patients Weight reduction has been shown to improve glycemic control avec cardiovascular https://vetoceane.fr/wp-content/static/view76.html associated with insulin resistance in obese individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

In another, sertraline increased the weight loss of patients under cognitive-behavioral treatment In general, orlistat the first 6 months of treatment, body weight is gradually recovered, although medication is maintained. Br Med J ; Ordonnance study, six-month long, was carried out sans 30, 60,and mg of orlistat, 3 times a day

In animals, the administration of serotonin and fenfluramine primarily reduces fat intake 16whereas NE injection at the paraventricular nucleus affects carbohydrate intake, and noradrenergic medications may have selective action on macronutrient choice Preventing and managing the global epidemic.

Although sibutramine is also avant phenethylaminic derivate, it does present quite a different profile and much better tolerability. Phosphodiasterase inhibition through caffeine seems to be the most important apres, since that enzyme is responsible for cyclic AMP metabolization, and orlistat inhibition maximizes noradrenalin action 59, J Clin Pharmacol ici Isr J Med Sci ; Different combinations of caffeine and ephedrine have been analyzed in double-blind studies whose conclusion was that higher synergy occured at the dose of mg caffeine and 20 mg of ephedrine 3 daily administrations A six-month study of the effects of dexfenfluramine on partially successful dieters.

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Médicament pour induire une perte de poids chez les adultes en surpoids avec un IMC de plus de Content: 84 gélules.

Weight loss due to sibutramine and energy restriction is associated to better metabolic control in type 2 diabetic obese patients 61, Human studies to assess thermogenic effects As previously mentioned, different animal studies have shown thermogenic action of various b-phenethylaminic derivates and mazindol Their effects in human studies are not so clear, and contrasting results are frequently attributed to the heterogeneity of the obese patients studied.

While some authors have shown higher resting metabolic rate, as well as higher response to feeding after dexfenfluramine administration 49,50 , or attenuation of the usual decrease in resting metabolic rate during low-calorie diet in post-menopausal women in a three-month treatment period 51 , others have found no difference in hour energy expenditure after 1 week, 3 months 40 , or even 13 months under dexfenfluramine or placebo Human data are also conflicting in sibutramine studies.

In one study, no difference was found between baseline metabolic rate and three hours after the administration of sibutramine or placebo, neither after an 8-month treatment with sibutramine However, when calorie expenditure was measured for a 5-hour period, there was an increase in thermogenesis both while fasting and after feeding in the last 3,5 hours after sibutramine administration. Such effect was not observed in the first study Phenylpropanolamine is an a1adrenergic agonist widely used in the United States for many years.

In Brazil, experience with this agent is more limited. Only patients receiving phenylpropanolamine had a weight loss significantly higher than the placebo group, even though no difference was observed in resting metabolic rate measured by indirect calorimetry Ephedrine belongs to the phenylpropanolamines group and stimulates the release of noradrenaline.

Structural changes result in increased peripheral action while reducing central action on adrenergic receptors. Ephedrine causes a non-selective stimulation of sympathetic nervous system by acting on b-adrenoceptors b3 included and promoting thermogenesis Ephedrine has been studied in obese women, at 60 mg daily dose for 12 weeks, resulting in baseline metabolic rate increase.

Ephedrine associated with methylxantins like caffeine, teophyilline and aminophylline or aspirin increases the duration of noradrenalin activity.

Adenosin and prostaglandins, which decrease noradrenalin activity, are inhibited by caffeine and aspirin. Phosphodiasterase inhibition through caffeine seems to be the most important effect, since that enzyme is responsible for cyclic AMP metabolization, and its inhibition maximizes noradrenalin action 59, Different combinations of caffeine and ephedrine have been analyzed in double-blind studies whose conclusion was that higher synergy occured at the dose of mg caffeine and 20 mg of ephedrine 3 daily administrations In a randomized, double-blind study conducted by our group, 3 daily doses of a combination of ephedrine 22 mg, caffeine 20 mg and aminophylline 50 mg, resulted in a significantly higher weight loss, as compared to the group of patients not receiving the association, although baseline energy expenditure through calorimetry was not assessed In a more recent study, 17 women with BMI of Clinical trials and case reports in humans Twenty-five years ago, an analysis including over double-blind, controlled studies concerning appetite reduction medications including amphetamine, phentetrazine, benzophetamine, fendimetrazine, phentermine, chlorphentermine, chlotermine, mazindol, fenfluramine and diethylpropion was submitted to FDA to justify registrations of new drugs.

Ninety percent of them showed a higher weight loss in the group of patients receiving active medication. A total of 4, patients were evaluated receiving placebo and 3, receiving active ingredients 8. Table 2 shows a selection of 41 studies on phenethylaminics or tricyclics diethylpropion, mazindol, phentermine, fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine , which lasted at least 10 weeks.

Most of these studies are also described in another review 6. Those medications fill the criteria currently used for anti-obesity medications, except for fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine. These 2 medications were withdrawn from world market in due to valvular abnormalities developed under combined therapy of phentermine plus fenfluramine but not under phentermine monotherapy 63,64 , similar to carcinoid syndrome lesions.

A larger prospective study with 1, participants did not detect increased risk of valvular injuries in patients using sustained-release dexfenfluramine for less than 3 months A case-control study including 95 patients with pulmonary hypertension and matched controls showed that fenfluramine use was associated with pulmonary hypertension odds ratio [OR] 6.

OR was higher in patients under fenfluramine for less than 12 months OR Only one case of pulmonary hypertension, 12 months after interruption of mazindol therapy in a patient who had received for 10 weeks, was recently reported Isolated cases of pulmonary hypertension 69 and psychosis 70 were associated to diethylpropion. Although sibutramine is also a phenethylaminic derivate, it does present quite a different profile and much better tolerability.

Table 3 summarizes sibutramine studies in which this agent was used for 10 weeks up to two years. References of these studies can be checked in another review published by the authors 6.

Nevertheless, hypertension was seen as its major adverse effect, resulting in discontinuation of patients in the study Thumbnail In Brazil, when phenylpropanolamine was used, controlled prescription was required. In contrast, for many years, in the US, this was an over-the-counter medication, more widely used than in our country.

Phenylpropanolamine was removed from the American and Brazilian markets in Selective inhibitors of serotonin reuptake Both fluoxetine and sertraline are selective inhibitors of serotonin reuptake despite diverse chemical structure. Fluoxetine is a phenylpropanolamin oxyfluorphenyl derivate and sertraline is a naftilaminic one. Fluoxetine and sertraline inhibit serotonin reuptake at the pre-synaptic terminal; their main indication is to treat depression and bulimia, and they are not formally indicated to treat obesity.

Both agents were found to reduce animal feeding experimentally In humans, weight loss was a common finding during protocols for the approval of those medications as anti-depressants. Human studies to assess food intake Clinical trials to assess feeding reported the effect of those medications on patients' food intake size Endocrine and metabolic effects A study including diabetic subjects reported that fluoxetine treatment was associated with a higher weight loss and their insulin requirements were reduced Human clinical trials The key problem involving fluoxetine as anti-obesity agent is weight regain, as detected in long-term studies.

In general, after the first 6 months of treatment, body weight is gradually recovered, although medication is maintained. A study to assess weight loss under sertraline showed no difference when compared to the placebo groups In another, sertraline increased the weight loss of patients under cognitive-behavioral treatment Double-blind fluoxetine studies with at least week duration are shown in table 3.

References are detailed in another review published by the authors 6. Fluoxetine therapy for obesity management has been associated with gastrointestinal symptoms, sleep disorders, reduced libido, sweating, amnesia and thirst Selective inhibitors of serotonin reuptake are not, therefore, efficacious anti-obesity agents, although they may be useful for depressed obese patients, and for patients reporting other comorbidities for which those anti-depressants may be an appropriate treatment - for instance, sleep apnea - since fluoxetine leads to REM reduction, when most episodes of obstructive apnea occur.

Nutrients metabolism post-absorptive modifiers Lipstatine analogues Lipstatine is a compound from yeast - Streptomyces toxytricini. Orlistat is a stable lipstatine analogue, and partially hydrolized tetra-hydrolipstatine. Clinical pharmacokinetics Orlistat is a powerful inhibitor of gastrointestinal GI lipases. Such enzymes catalize hydrolytic removal of triglycerides fatty acids and produce free fatty acids and monoglycerides. Orlistat binds irreversibly to lipase active sites through covalent binding.

Approximately one-third of triglyceride intake does not undergo digestion, and is not absorbed by small intestines, crossing the GI tract and being eliminated. Orlistat has no systemic activity, and absorption by GI is minimal when administered up to mg daily, with lipase inhibiting activity pharmacologically irrelevant from 1, to 2, times lower than orlistat Human studies to assess human intake Orlistat has no direct effect on appetite regulating neuronal circuits.

However, its pharmacological effect reflected by the increased amount of fat in feces stimulates long-term compliance to lower fat content food intake Cardiovascular effects Weight loss resulting from orlistat is associated with significant reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure as compared to placebo Endocrine and metabolic effects As previously mentioned, weight loss leads to the reversion of some obesity-associated disorders.

This occurs even with modest weight loss but benefits are improved with intentional weight loss of greater magnitude. In non-diabetic obese patients, the use of orlistat combined with calorie-fat restriction is associated with significant reductions in insulin A one-year study, including controlled diabetic subjects under sulfonylureas, resulted in significant reduction of plasma glucose and glycated hemoglobin levels, as well as in the number of patients discontinuing oral anti-diabetic treatment Those data have been confirmed by a Latin American multicenter 6-month-long trial Human clinical trials The first orlistat clinical trials were week long and multi-dosage, at 10 mg, up to mg, 3 times a day 87, Another study, six-month long, was carried out at 30, 60, , and mg of orlistat, 3 times a day Higher doses did not increase the weight loss.

Table 4 presents a selection of clinical trials concerning orlistat, also including diabetic subjects. The references of these studies can be checked in another review published by the authors 6.

Trials under analysis reported no differences in the frequency of GI adverse effects comparing orlistat and placebo groups. GI effects are related to orlistat mechanism of action oily stools, increased number of evacuation episodes, flatulence with or without fat discharge, fecal urgency ; they are usually short-term and tend to decrease considerably after the first weeks of treatment.

Such pattern seems to be related to the long-term patient compliance to low-fat foods. The authors evaluated the efficacy and tolerability of sibutramine combined to orlistat at regular doses up to 6 months in patients women and 93 men In this study, the combination of sibutramine and orlistat for obesity management resulted in higher weight reduction when compared to randomized clinical trials, and tolerability was quite reasonable.

The use of pharmacological agents in childhood obesity management Current clinical approach towards pediatric obesity mainly involves cognitive-behavioral therapies focusing eating and exercising pattern changes. Foccus on the pathophysiology of obesity may lead to the development of the appropriate medications both for adults and children, possibly from substances regulating metabolic economy physiology. Orlistat already proved to be effective and its use is approved for teenagers.

Development of trials in children and teenagers is critical, since one cannot assume that risks and benefits from the use of pharmacological agents in adults will be the same in children Use of anti-obesity agents in obese type 2 diabetic patients Weight reduction has been shown to improve glycemic control and cardiovascular risk associated with insulin resistance in obese individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Therapeutic options for these patients include promotion of weight loss non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic treatments , which improves glycemic control, as well as treatment of commonly associated risk factors, such as hypertension and dyslipidemia.

A recent review provides an overview of anti-obesity drugs used in the treatment of obese individuals with type 2 diabetes. The most widely investigated drugs, sibutramine and orlistat, resulted in modest, clinically worthwhile weight loss, but with marked improvement in several comorbidities, among them, type 2 diabetes. Studies involving these anti-obesity medications in cohorts of obese diabetic patients have been reviewed, as well as involving cathecolaminergic diethylpropion [amfepramone], fenproporex, mazindol, ephedrine-caffeine combination , serotoninergic agents fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine, fluoxetine , and others showing any benefit on weight loss metformin, the anti-epileptic agent topiramate and zonisamide, and the antidepressive bupropion [amfebutamone].

These trials showed variable benefits in terms of effects on glucose metabolism Orlistat was reported to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes in obese patients treated for 4 years XenDOS study Antagonists of endocannabinoid receptors The ability of marijuana to increase hunger has been noticed for centuries, although research on its action started in the late s. An endogenous neuromodulating system involved in feeding behaviour leads to the therapeutic use of a novel class of drugs, the selective cannabinoid type 1 receptor CB1R antagonists, for the treatment of obesity and eating disorders.

A 1-year blinded randomised clinical trial with doses of 5 mg or 20 mg of rimonabant was found to cause a pronounced reduction in bodyweight respectively Generally, it was well tolerated with mild and transient side effects mainly nausea WHO Consultation on Obesity.

Preventing and managing the global epidemic. Geneva: World Health Organization, Guy-Grand B. Long-term pharmacoterapy in the management of obesity. In: Björntorp P, Rössner S, editors. From theory to practice: Obesity in Europe - London: John Libbey, Social and economic consequences of overweight in adolescence and young adulthood.

N Engl J Med ; Bray GA. Lancet ; Obesity in Britain: gluttony or sloth? Br Med J ; Halpern A, Mancini MC. Treatment of obesity: an update on anti-obesity medications. Obes Rev ; Williamson DF. Dietary intake and physical activity as "predictors" of weight gain in observational, prospective studies.

Nutr Rev ;54 suppl :S Samanin R, Garattini S. Neurochemical mechanism of action of anorectic drugs. Pharmacol Toxicol ; Garattini S. Biological actions of drugs affecting serotonin and eating. Obes Res ; A comparison of the effects of sibutramine hydrochloride, bupropion and methamphetamine on dopaminergic function: evidence that dopamine is not a pharmacological target for sibutramine. Psychopharmacology ; Science ; The mechanism of amphetamine-induced loss of weight.

JAMA ; Postgrad Med J ; Ann NY Acad Sci ; Activation of hypothalamic serotonin receptors reduced intake of dietary fat and protein but not carbohydrate. Am J Physiol ;R Effect of amphetamine on human macronutrient intake. Physiol Behav ; Stock MJ. Sibutramine: a review of the pharmacology of a novel anti-obesity agent. The pharmacokinetics of dexfenfluramine in obese and non-obese subjects. Br J Clin Pharmacol ; The oral bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of soluble and resin-bound forms of amphetamine and phentermine in man.

J Pharmacokinet Biopharm ; Metabolism and disposition of N- 2-cyanoethyl amphetamine fenproporex and amphetamine: study in the rat brain. Can J Physiol Pharmacol ; Mattei R, Carlini EA. A comparative study of the anorectic and behavioral effects of fenproporex on male and female rats. Braz J Med Biol Res ; Musshoff E. Illegal or legitimate use? Precursor compounds to amphetamine and methamphetamine. Drug Metab Rev ; Ondansetron, a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist, partially attenuates the effects of amphetamine: a pilot study in healthy volunteers.

Int Clin Psychopharmacol ; Wurtman JJ. Carbohydrate craving. Relationship between carbohydrate intake and disorders of mood. Drugs ; A comparison of the effects of d- and l-fenfluramine and d-amphetamine on energy and macronutrient intake in human subjects. Effects of dexfenfluramine treatment on body weight and postprandial thermogenesis in obese subjects. A double-blind placebo-controlled study.

Ritanserin attenuates anorectic, endocrine and thermic responses to d-fenfluramine in human volunteers. Psychopharmacology Berl ; Hypophagic, endocrine and subjective responses to m-chlorophenylpiperazine in healthy men and women. Hum Psychopharmacol ; Sumatriptan decreases food intake and increases plasma growth hormone in healthy women. The effect of weight reduction on blood pressure, plasma renin activity, and plasma aldosterone levels in obese patients.

Sibutramine produces dose-related weight loss. Long-term weight loss and changes in blood pressure: results of the trials of hypertension prevention, phase II. Ann Intern Med ; Obesity and hypertension. Prog Cardiovasc Dis ; Noble RE.

A six-month study of the effects of dexfenfluramine on partially successful dieters. Curr Ther Res ; Effect of dexfenfluramine treatment on body weight, blood pressure and noradrenergic activity in obese hypertensive patients. Eur J Clin Pharmacol ; Efficacité[ modifier modifier le code ] La perte de poids obtenue avec l'orlistat est très variable, en particulier si sa prise est associée avec un régime hypocalorique plus ou moins rigoureux. La réduction moyenne de poids reste cependant inférieure à 3 kg [12].

Il existe également une amélioration des chiffres de la pression artérielle , une diminution du taux sanguin de cholestérol , dont le taux de LDL-choslestérol [12]. Ces trois facteurs vont dans le sens d'une diminution du risque de survenue de maladie cardio-vasculaire même si cela n'a pas été démontré. Son utilisation a fait partie, en , des recommandations anglaises pour la prise en charge de l'obésité [15].

Les effets secondaires[ modifier modifier le code ] Les principaux effets secondaires du médicament gastro-intestinal sont : la stéatorrhée , c'est-à-dire des selles grasses et molles, car l'orlistat bloque l'absorption de certaines des graisses alimentaires. Les matières grasses sont excrétées en l'état dans les selles ; l'incontinence fécale ; des diarrhées impérieuses : selles fréquentes ou urgentes ; Un météorisme , des douleurs abdominales à type de colique et des flatulences ; Une diminution du taux de sucre dans le sang pour certains patients diabétiques de type 2.

Les principaux effets indésirables de l'orlistat Alli ou Xénical sont liés à la présence de lipides dans l'alimentation. Les pharmaciens formés à cette prescription par les laboratoires conseillent, donc, de diminuer la part lipidique de l'alimentation lors du traitement, ce qui en soi est un régime qui permet une réduction pondérale.

Les effets indésirables qui se majorent avec les graisses alimentaires, le prix consacré au traitement et la durée de celui-ci l'étude Xendos parle de 4 années de traitement soit Euros pour sont des facteurs de motivation majeurs pour que les utilisateurs de cette molécule modifient positivement leurs habitudes alimentaires et adoptent ainsi le régime qu'ils n'avaient pu mettre en place sans ce traitement. Selon Roche, les effets secondaires sont plus graves au début de la thérapie et diminuent avec le temps [16].

Cette diminution des effets secondaires pourrait être associé avec la modification d'une alimentation devenant plus pauvre en matières grasses [17]. Le profil d'effets secondaires de l'orlistat a conduit des consommateurs américains du groupe Prescription Access Litigation d'attribuer son premier prix de la pire pilule à GlaxoSmithKline [18] , [19].

Certains patients peuvent développer des taux élevés d' oxalates dans les urines [2]. L'orlistat peut provoquer une atteinte hépatique [20]. Une hépatite grave reste toutefois exceptionnelle [21] et il est possible que ces accidents soient liés à d'autres facteurs que la prise de ce médicament [22]. Le comprimé Xenical dosé à mg d'Orlistat fut commercialisé en